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If you are hosting a Pokemon party, these Pokemon snack bar food cards and help make it fast and easy for you!

The cards work great for party food, party activities, party favors and decorations, too!

Download the Pokemon Snack Bar Food Cards!

These are the items in the set: Bulbasaur Burgers, Butterfree Popcorn, Chansey Eggs, Charmander Cheetos, Cubone Bones, Diglett Dirt Cups, Ditto Donuts, Dratini Doritos, Drowzee Dogs, Eevee Edibles, Ghastly Grahams, Goldeen Goldfish, Jigglypuff Jello, Meowth Mix, Mew Milk, Oddish Oreos, Pidgey Pudding, Pikachu Pops, Ponyta Punch, Rattata Rolls, Snorlax Snax, Squirtle Squirtle, Vulpix Veggies, Articuno Ice Pops and Zubat Zucchini

Pokemon Printable Food Label Cards + FREE Snack Bar Sign